The Flying Saucer Poetry Review, Fall 2021 (issue #1)

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Pg. 5 — From the Editor | Origin Story

Welcome to the inaugural issue of The Flying Saucer Poetry Review! I think that The X-Files said it best: “I want to believe.” The Flying Saucer Poetry Review is born of my absolute fascination with the UFO phenomenon and my passion for poetry and art. If you are reading this, then the same probably holds true for you and I am honored that you are here to share in the exploration of this extraordinary topic through the creative expression for which it is a catalyst.

Few subjects are as deeply steeped in profound mystery, intrigue — and historically, dismissive eye-rolling, as the UFO phenomenon. Seldom have I encountered a subject that while seemingly so harmless, and so very interesting, could get you catapulted from social membership more quickly than talking about UFOs. I know this to be true from my own various and awkward experiences — having found myself figuratively reseated at the kids’ table at the same lightning-quick speed as adults who believe that professional wrestling is real; by which I mean unscripted. I had once wanted to become a pro wrestler [more on this story at the bottom of the page].

Pilot Kenneth Arnold’s sighting of UFOs flying past Mount Rainier ushered in the post-World War II era of UFO sightings. I lived in Seattle, WA for many years, the view of Mount Rainier on a clear day was exquisite and it always got me thinking about UFOs, the sightings of which are entirely commonplace around the world. From mass sightings like the Phoenix Lights and the Hudson Valley UFOs, to sightings by police patrolling dark, rural roads the phenomenon has become a part of the very fabric of our society. Within this global context of endless mystery and lack of resolution, I have come to the conclusion that the most perfectly splendid way to explore and process this phenomenon is through poetry and art.

[NWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Champion and NWA United States Heavyweight Champion Paul DeMarco (who for 36 seconds was the heavyweight champion of the world), was a family friend from my days of youth and one of the nicest, most cheerful guys you could ever hope to meet (you could here him singing, seemingly from miles away as he walked through the community) and he even looked like my maternal grandfather. Paul had provided me with the inside scoop on pro wrestling and we had trained a little on some of the basic techniques and moves. Paul was going to be my manager. It had been my intention to weigh 300 pounds and call myself Rory “Iron Lion” Sloane. Paul had recommended lots and lots of pasta to help gain that weight. Sadly perhaps, I did not become a professional wrestler. Paul, however, went back into pro wrestling, with a Russian gimmick this time (as Yuri Gordienko), during the waning days of the AWA, wrestling on national television. He had shared the ring with the biggest names in the industry in his champion days and there he was once again, doing what he loved best. I really enjoyed watching his matches and the last I heard, he was running a successful pro-wrestling school in Sacramento, California.]