The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Summer 2021 (issue #1)

Page 27 — Brian Lebansky

in a trillion years

in a trillion years
where the Earth used to exist
no stars in this space

acid phosphatase
a purple five fifty six
lambda max protein

travel atlantic
to see a deep scottish loch
finding plesiosaur

sentiments alone
but nanotechnology
artificial life

like x, y, and z
4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions
time: width, height, volume

Human extinction
cloned by beings from far stars
on earth-like systems

Brian Lebansky

Brian teaches science and enjoys playing music and writing songs. He has written fan fiction for his YouTube channel and wrote some poetry while in college, but lately haiku and scifaiku have been keeping him busy and entertained. While a doctoral student at Texas A&M University, Brian separated a protein (acid phosphatase) from the thousands of other proteins in the cells, chemically characterized it and published the results.