Dreadnought SF, Summer 2024 (issue #2)

9. Poetry by Jill Trade

FINal Transformation


in my search to find Atlantis
in the deepest depths unknown
morphing into a mermaid enchantress
in my search to find Atlantis
a desire to be with romantics
leaving my legs to swim towards the sea throne
in my search to find Atlantis
in the deepest depths unknown

My Superpower


when value is only found
in things the human body can create
blood and kidney stones
will be of the highest monetary worth
and I’ll be the richest one

laying golden eggs by way of calcium oxalate

in flying cars & other poems


in flying cars
brain scans show who’s really allowed
to take the high road

invisibility cloaks
sell out right
before our eyes

stay-at-home wife’s
household chores list
– charge maid bot

Jill Trade
Jill Trade is a married mother of three boys. She is a trained meat cutter, cosmetologist and formerly worked in finance. She enjoys passing time at the playgrounds writing poetry while her boys run out their energy. Her poetry is published or forthcoming from Failed Haiku, The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Scifaikuest, The Flying Saucer Poetry Review, The Space Cadet Science Fiction Review and White Enso’s 2021 kaidankai.