He May Wear My Silence, the genre-blurring novel by Zdravka Evtimova wins in the best science fiction & fantasy and best magical realism categories in the 26th Annual Critters Readers’ Poll!
As well, the novel won best book cover art for Storm Coming by Bob Eggleton and Zdravka won for best author!
He May Wear My Silence nominated for the Pushcart Prize!
Zdravka Evtimova is one of Bulgaria’s foremost contemporary authors. Starship Sloane Publishing Company, Inc., is thrilled to bring you her newest novel, He May Wear My Silence, a spellbinding work of magical realism infused with the folklore of Old Bulgaria and surprise elements of science fiction and fantasy!
With cover art (Storm Coming) by Hugo Award winning artist Bob Eggleton, a foreword by Hugo Award winning author Nigel Suckling, book design by Rhysling Award winning poet F. J. Bergmann, and a back-cover blurb by the editor of Star*Line magazine, Jean-Paul L. Garnier — this novel hits on all fantastical cylinders and will leave your view of reality in a state of stunned disrepair!
“A surrealistic collision between otherworldly magical realism and folkloric storytelling. This bizarre tale plumbs the depths of the human condition while revealing this world, and others, in the strange green light of preternatural technologies. Delightfully unreliable narrators will taunt the reader into forgotten occult wastelands where the lines of life and death blur. A must read for fans of the Strugatsky brothers and Anna Kavan.”
Jean-Paul L. Garnier, editor of Star*Line and Simultaneous Times
The Dusk Gorge, Bulgaria, has for thousands of years been the home of the Samodivas, ancient entities on the prowl to kill, or occasionally cure, human beings. A famous mathematician, Professor Margaret Stan, formulates a hypothesis: the Samodivas are an extraterrestrial civilization that inhabits the human subconscious. The most powerful Samodiva is Death. John Cole, the police chief, firmly believes the hypothesis to be true. He is sure that he can find Death – and he knows how to destroy it. But what Death hides is far different than anything he could have expected.

He May Wear My Silence is available everywhere that great books are sold — and if you like, buy it directly from Starship Sloane Publishing!

Author Biography
Zdravka Evtimova was born in 1959 in Pernik, Bulgaria.
She is a fiction writer and a literary translator in English, German and French. A native Bulgarian speaker, she is fluent in English, German, French and Russian. Zdravka holds a BA in English Language and an MA in American Literature from the University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria.
Zdravka is married to Todor Georgiev. They have two sons and a daughter, and five grandchildren so far.
Her short stories have been published in 31 countries around the world, including the USA, China, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Canada, Vietnam, Argentina, Spain, Italy, Norway, Denmark, North Macedonia, Austria, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Serbia, Romania, and Greece.
Bibliography of Titles Published Internationally
United States of America
Asylum for Men and Dogs, novel, Fomite Books, 2022
You Can Smile on Wednesdays, novel, Fomite Books, 2020
In the Town of Joy and Peace, novel, Fomite Books, 2017
Parable of Stones, short story collection, All Things That Matter Press, 2017
Sinfonia Bulgarica,novel,Fomite Books, 2014
Carts and Other Stories, short story collection, Fomite Books, 2012
Time to Mow and Other Stories, short story collection, All Things That Matter Press, 2012
God of Traitors, novel, Bucks Publishing, 2008
Good Figure, Beautiful Voice, short story collection, Asremari Books, 2008
Somebody Else, short story collection, MAG Press, 2004
Impossibly Blue, short story collection, Skrev Press 2013
Miss Daniella, short story collection, Skrev Press, 2007
Bitter Sky, short story collection, Skrev Press, 2003
Pale and Other Postmodern Bulgarian Stories, short story collection, Vox Humana Publishing Canada, 2010
Endless July, short story collection, Paraxenes Meres Press, 2013
Wrong and Other Stories, short story collection, Tiktakti Press, 2014
Pale and Other Postmodern Bulgarian Stories, short story collection, Vox Humana Publishing Israel, 2010
The Same River (Една иста река),Antolog Press, 2018
The Arc (Коработ), novel, Branko Tsvetkovski Publishing, 2017
Thursday, novel, Antolog Press, 2015
La citta della gioia e della pace (In the Town of Joy and Peace), novel, Slento Books, Besa, 2021
La donna che mangiava poesie (The Woman Who Ate Poetry), short story collection, Salento Books, Besa, 2019
Lo Stesso Fiume (The Same River),novel, Salento Books, subsidiary of Besa Publishing Conglomerate, 2017
Sinfonia (the Bulgarian title is Thursday), novel, Salento Books, subsidiary of Besa Publishing Conglomerate, 2015
Stories from Pernik, short story collection, Ningbo Publishing, 2019
Thursday, novel, Literature and Arts Publishing, Shanghai, 2015
Thursday (new translation), novel, Antolog, 2021
Thursday, novel, Vaslaar Books, 2016
D’un bleu impossible (Impossibly Blue), Le Soupirail, 2019
Reservation for Men and Wolves, novel, Zhanet-45 Publishing, 2022
The Good Side of Things, short story collection, Zhanet-45 Publishing, 2019
The Green Eyes of the Wind, novel, Zhanet-45 Publishing, 2018
July Stories, short story collection, Zhanet-45 Publishing, 2017
The Same River, novel, Zhanet-45 Publishing, 2015
Stories from Pernik, short story collection, Zhanet-45 Publishing, 2013
The Arch, novel, Ciela Press, 2007
Blood of a Mole and Other Stories, short story collection, Zhanet-45 Publishing, 2006
Thursday, novel, Zhanet-45 Publishing, 2003
Stories against Loneliness, short story collection, Narodna Mladezh Press, 1984
Zdravka Evtimova has won a number of literary awards in Bulgaria as well as internationally, these include the following:
Major Bulgarian Literary Awards
2020 Hristo Danov National Literary Award
For contributions to contemporary Bulgarian literature.
2019 Zyapkov Literary Prize
For her short story collection July Stories.
2017 Best Bulgarian Novel Award of Fund 13 Centuries Bulgaria
For her novel, The Same River.
2015 Best Novel of the Year National Award
For her novel, The Same River.
2015 Blaga Dimitrova National Fiction Prize
For her short story collection, Stories from Pernik.
2010 Golden Necklace Best Short Story of the Year National Prize
2005 Golden Necklace Best Short Story of the Year National Prize
2005 Anna Kamenova National Short Story Award
For her short story collection, Blood of a Mole and Other Stories.
2004 Gencho Stoev Literary Award for a Short Story by a Balkan Author
2004 Cosmos National Short Story Award
2003 Best Bulgarian Novel Award of the Union of Bulgarian Writers
For her novel, Thursday.
2000 Razvitie Literary Award for Best Bulgarian Contemporary Novel
1984 Yuzhna Prolet Prize for a Debut Short Story Collection
For her short story collection, Stories against Loneliness.
Major International Literary Awards
2022 Mihai Eminescu Prize for Fiction
For her work in fiction. From the International Academy Mihai Eminescu, Craiova, Romania.
2022, 2012, and 2006 Pushcart Prize nominations
For her short stories. USA.
2015 SINBAD international competition, second place
For her novel Sinfonia. Italy.
2014 Balkanika International Fiction Prize
For her short story collection, Pernik Stories, best fiction work published in Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.
2007 Book of Europe nomination
For her novel, The Arch.
2005, her short story, “Vassil” was one of the ten award winning stories in the BBC worldwide short story competition. It was broadcast by Radio BBC UK in February 2006. In 2004, they had broadcast two of her short stories during their focus on Eastern European fiction.
2005, her short story, “It Is Your Turn” was one of the ten award winning stories, which after a worldwide competition was included in the anthology Dix auteurs du monde entier (Ten Writers from All over the World). Nantes, France.
2005 Pushcart Prize nomination
For Somebody Else, a short story collection. USA.
Other Awards
2022 25th Annual Critters Readers’ Poll Best All Other Short Story
For, “For Dimitar – a Poet.” USA.
2005 Best Short Story Collection of MAG Press by an Established Author
For Somebody Else. USA.
Of Interest
Her short story, “Blood of a Mole,” is included in high school textbooks in Denmark and junior high school textbooks in the United States.
Zdravka Evtimova has won residencies for writers with her short stories and novels as follow:
2021 Association Kurs from Split, Writers in Residence Program, Split, Croatia
2019 Lu Xun Academy of Literature Program, Beijing, China
2018 Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
2018 Stromstad, Sweden
2017 University of Bologna, Italy
2016 Tianjin Writing Program, China
2015 TRADUKI Program, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2015 University of Bologna, Italy
2012 Shanghai Writing Program, China
2010 Translator’s residency at the University of Rochester, Open Letter Books Publishing, USA
2006 OMI Residency for writers, upstate New York, USA
2005 Chateau de Lavigny, Foundation Heinrich and Jane Ledig Rowohlt, Switzerland
Justin T. O’Conor Sloane, Editor-in-Chief
Starship Sloane Publishing Company, Inc.