The Space Cadet Science Fiction Review, Summer 2024 (issue #2)

17. Poetry by Brian LeBansky

spreading the virus & other poems

spreading the virus
our DNA infects the
future sentients

appearing blurry
entire galaxies end
around a black hole

eating sour fruit
the gene no longer working
no vitamin c

Brian LeBansky
Brian LeBansky recently retired from teaching science at the high school level. He enjoys playing music and writing songs. He has written fan fiction for his YouTube channel and wrote some poetry while in college, but lately haiku and scifaiku have been keeping him busy and entertained. While a doctoral student at Texas A&M University in College Station, Brian separated a protein (purple acid phosphatase) from the other 42 million proteins in the cell, chemically characterized it, and published the results. Click on Plant Physiology, one of the science journals in which the paper was published, to read more. Brian’s poetry has appeared in the debut issues of The Starlight SciFaiku ReviewThe Flying Saucer Poetry Review and The Space Cadet Science Fiction Review.