The Space Cadet Science Fiction Review, Summer 2024 (issue #2)

4. Editorial

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the long overdue second issue of The Space Cadet Science Fiction Review! Thanks for being here.

By necessity, this is a light issue, but the work contained herein is heavy in wonder — kind of like a teaspoon of neutron star.

I am very happy to be able to get another issue of one of Starship Sloane Publishing’s magazines out during summer, as has been the tradition.

The first issue of this magazine was massive and required an enormous amount of time and energy to put together, far beyond what is currently available to me as I focus on publishing the relaunched, classic science fiction magazines Worlds of IF and Galaxy, plus various book projects. From time to time, I plan to publish a skinny issue of the original webzines that I began with and that I enjoy so much.

Of special note, one of the contributors to this magazine, Andrés Eloy Martínez Rojas, has an asteroid named after him! How cool is that? Click here to learn about 6159 Andréseloy.

Now more than ever, science fiction has become science fact in the world we inhabit. The genre is more relevant today than it has ever been. I think that this state of being infuses science fiction with an energy of excitement and an intensity of the possible, that has taken it to a whole new level. I also think that people are less likely to dismiss the ideas presented by science fiction outright, even when seemingly fanciful. The human imagination, expressed in the form of science fiction, has proven itself to be prescient, remarkably so. Some might even argue, preternaturally so. In divining the future, science fiction has also defined it. In its boundless creativity, there is no field of thought that I would rather be associated with.

Enjoy the wonderful work from ultra-talented folks found herein!

Safe travels, children of the stars . . . 

Yours truly,


Justin T. O’Conor Sloane, Editor
The Space Cadet Science Fiction Review
21 June 2024