Praxis by David Gerrold

A compelling new story by a master of science fiction! With a foreword by John Shirley and original cover art by Bob Eggleton. Praxis explores social issues without skimping on the hard science fiction. Praxis is a must-read for David Gerrold fans!

182 pages of reading pleasure for only $12.99! Currently available for pre-order on Amazon, but will be available everywhere very soon as the other outlets catch up.

A lifetime in the Labor Corps—or colonize a new world. For Jamie and José, not much of a choice. But Praxis wouldn’t be easy. To survive there, you had to depend on each other. And that requires honesty that few possess. Praxis is a bold experiment in society building, a monosexual colony, with no promises of survival and no return trip. But it’s got potential. You just have to build a new civilization—on the other side of the universe.