A J Dalton
Author of the bestselling series Chronicles of a Cosmic Warlord, the Flesh & Bone Trilogy and the collections, The Book of Orm, The Book of Angels and The Book of Dragons.
Starship Sloane Publishing is thrilled to present to you this book of speculative poetry by the award-winning British science fiction & fantasy author A J Dalton!
The always splendid cover art of Bob Eggleton completes the vibe magnificently.
A J wrote the popular series Chronicles of a Cosmic Warlord and the Flesh & Bone Trilogy. He is recognized as being the originator of the fantasy subgenre known as metaphysical fantasy.
The poems in this book are gloriously creepy and vividly Gothic, taking us on journeys both unexpected and haunting. A J’s poetry casts a weird light into the dark woods, where we glimpse the furtive truths of long-hidden realms, like the quick shine of lurking eyes.
Enjoy your sojourn in these pages, the poetry announcing that not all that is seen is understood, while less yet, is to be seen at all.
Praise for Dark Woods Rising
The denizens of dark places, the seldom seen and barely sensed are given shape and voice in this collection by A J Dalton. In these pages we find witches, demons, goblins, mages and trolls. The collection also contains glimpses of alternative histories and the dangers of space. The unsettling visions of the poet are sometimes combined with a touch of humour, making for an entertaining and beguiling read.
–Dr Penelope Cottier
Australian poet and author
Who wouldn’t like a book of poems that turns loose enslaved goblins? Dark Woods Rising brings the hidden and unseen before us, where they can cast their finest spells, their longest shadows.
–Dr. Matt Schumacher, editor of Phantom Drift: A Journal of New Fabulism
& author of The Fire Diaries: Poems
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