Starship Sloane Publishing is happy to announce the launch of its newest literary journal: Dreadnought SF, a webzine of optimistic, greenpunk, ecopunk, and solarpunk science fiction, published irregularly, with digital and print versions planned.
As the name implies, this magazine will be featuring science fiction that provides a more positive vision of the future of human civilization. I sometimes find myself craving dystopian fare, but at times it gets to be a bit much and is simply depressing. I think it’s important to see the possibilities, to celebrate optimism, not just fixate on gloom and doom.
Each issue will contain a mix of poetry, flash fiction, and art, lots of art, with the occasional short story, essay, book review and interview thrown in for good measure.
Submission guidelines coming soon.

Follow the mag on Twitter @DreadnoughtSF.
— The Editor