The Lotus Tree Literary Review, Autumn 2022 (issue #1)

Table of Contents [live links | click icon to toggle]

33 | From the Editor

That’s a Wrap & Preview of Upcoming Mags

Thank you for partaking of this literary journal. Your readership is very much appreciated, as are you. I hope that you have enjoyed your sojourn in these pages and that you will drop in for a swim from time to time.

Thank you to the artists and writers, the poets and thinkers, the creative minds that made this magazine possible. You make the world go round.

As of this writing and always subject to change, the second issue of The Flying Saucer Poetry Review is on the way, featuring the remarkable cover art of Dave Vescio. To be followed by the third issue of The Starlight SciFaiku Review, featuring the spellbinding cover art of Michael Alan Alien.

I’ll see you in the sun, on the far and gleaming shores.
