Pg. 2
Art by Ronan Cahill | inside front cover

Martian Bagpiper
[ARCHIVAL: original front cover]
Editor’s Note: While I enjoyed the look of the original cover below (kept here for archival purposes), with its old-school-webzine aesthetic and its capacity for containing mountains of information on ‘one’ page, it was problematic in displaying and sharing online as an image in that it actually takes up something like three vertical screen views. It was time for a stylish update with a contemporary aesthetic.
ISSN 2831-9001
The Space Cadet Science Fiction Review
Spring 2022
volume 1, number 1
An in-depth interview with internationally acclaimed artist Michael Alan Alien of NYC
The award-winning journalist John Horgan interviews New York Times best-selling author Leslie Kean
Award-winning writers in this issue include Zdravka Evtimova, F. J. Bergmann, Irina Moga, Hunter Liguore, John Grey, Joshua Gage, Richard Stevenson, Matt Schumacher & more
A must-read essay by former NFL player Kwame Cavil
Star*Line editor Jean-Paul Garnier interviews authors Jonathan Nevair & Andy Dibble
Poet Laureate of the City of Anaheim Wendy Van Camp reviews Heinlein’s Space Cadet
Riveting short stories, flash fiction & poetry from Ecuador to Indonesia & Australia to Bulgaria

An expansive essay by the French cosmographer Daniel Pomarède, co-discoverer of the Laniakea Supercluster, the South Pole Wall, the Dipole Repeller, and the Cold Spot Repeller
The science fiction abstraction of award-winning artist Ronan Cahill of Scotland, the stratospheric photography of Canada’s Neall Calvert & more
On the back cover, intriguing UFO photography by the American actor & artist Richard Grieco
This international literary magazine contains the creative work of writers & artists from six continents & eleven countries
Starship Sloane Publishing Company, Inc.
Exploring the Literary CosmosTM