Pg. 84
Art by Ronan Cahill

Alien Portal
Editor’s Note: When I put Ronan Cahill’s abstract science fiction art on the cover of the debut issue of The Flying Saucer Poetry Review, I did it for a couple of reasons. The first being that the artwork is perfectly extraordinary. The second being that I could not recall having seen science fiction cover art and science fiction art in general, that was not realism or surrealism. I love abstract art. Where was the science fiction abstract art, I wondered? I had not seen it, which doesn’t mean that it’s not out there, of course, just that I had not seen it. I felt that it was an exciting decision to put Ronan’s work on the cover. The approach was successful, because, as mentioned in the Editor’s Foreword, we placed second in a very close voting battle in the Critters readers’ poll to the SFPA’s Star*Line magazine. Star*Line‘s cover art was classic and gorgeous SciFi art, but we did something different in using Ronan’s art for the cover and I think that was very exciting. I applaud Ronan for his remarkable, abstract interpretation of the infinitely rich visual realm of science fiction. Check out his Martian Bagpiper on the inside front cover of this issue and tell me that’s not the stuff! I think we are doing something new and interesting here with abstract science fiction art.