The Flying Saucer Poetry Review, Winter 2023 (issue #2)

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26 | Poetry by Juan Manuel Peréz, Winner of the Horror Authors Guild Lifetime Achievement Award & Former Poet Laureate of Corpus Christi

1961: The Abduction Of Barney And Betty Hill

(a Fibonacci poem)

bright light
what’d they do to us
can’t recall not a thing at all

1951: The Lubbock Lights

(a Fibonacci poem)

you saw
flying wing
who will believe you
invasion into deepest fears

Five Sitchin Quatrains, Part III


clues to the possible origin of man
may be found in his very own data
the element: one hundred and fifteen
fodder for science fiction or is it

Unknown DNA:

secret to Guardian of the Badlands
flows in the veins of First Nations People
not the ones that came across the iced straights
but the ones that landed here way before

New World Religion:

forgotten monuments to dead space gods
under hot desert sands of Africa
suspected as paganistic affair
in a modern Christian New World order

Temple To Chemical Origins:

man has built so many lavish temples
where scientific elements compound
where their offspring are used to find secrets
as to whether birth was here or out there

Those Moon-Things:

moon dust smells like gunpowder on the eve
of revelation as inhabitants
prepare to be stirred from hibernation
crawling out of deep, metal crevasses

Five Sitchin Quatrains, Part IV

Amnesia, Old As Time:

under the deep blue oceans of this world
lie the graves of knowledge and history
where humanity in its primal youth
built the pantheons of sky gods with truth


at a point in this great expansiveness
where the memory of who made us fades
we forget that something also made them
a Forever-God, father to us all

Cosmic Geometry:

in the church of sacred geometry
there, communion is a single, straight line
circling the world like a huge halo
marking the path of a future rapture


methods of communication vary
as we try to understand each other
for example: alien abductions
do they probe to teach us or to eat us?


since the farthest dawn of humanity
“unplugging” has remained too difficult
distant, invisible cords between us
to what made us, to what still controls us

Five Sitchin Quatrains, Part V

Fear From Above:

the attack we said would soon come tomorrow
the same one we fear and still plan for today
are lingering echoes of what came to pass
as ancestors huddled in caves from their gods

Lost Pets:

elongated skulls bare the only proof
marking the last hope of a dying race
arriving on this world with all they own
only the pets have outlived their masters


the light of dawn breaking the horizon
mad men dispel theories to his origins
it has been to long since the last clean-up
all weapons trained on the tiny, blue world


once heard a story about their origin
bountiful here but not from this planet
discarded food scraps by careless sky-lords
losing sight of numerous directives

That Which Led To Lake Texcoco:

deep traces of far ancient India
in the middle of South America
mystery of the eagle and the snake
did Aztlanians stop way short of it

Juan Manuel Peréz

Juan Manuel Peréz, a Mexican-American poet of Indigenous descent. He is the 2021 Horror Authors Guild Lifetime Achievement Award Winner. Juan is the recipient of the Horror Writers Association Diversity Grant (2021) and the Poet Laureate for Corpus Christi, Texas (2019–2020). He is the author of several books of poetry including the Elgin-nominated Planet of the Zombie Zonnets: Seasons 1 & 2 (Hungry Buzzard Press, 2021) and the new book Terror of the Zombie Zonnets: Season 3 of Planet of the Zombie Zonnets (The House Of The Fighting Chupacabras Press, 2022). All his books are available at His poetry has appeared in numerous scholarly journals and reviews, national and international anthologies, as well as magazines and websites. The award-winning poet, history teacher and Pushcart nominee is also a member of the Poetry Society of Texas, the Horror Writers Association, the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association, the Horror Authors Guild, the Baseball Bards, and the Military Writers Society of America. Juan worships his Creator and chases chupacabras in the South Texas Coastal Bend Area.