The Flying Saucer Poetry Review, Winter 2023 (issue #2)

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24 | Poetry by Jean-Paul L. Garnier, Hugo Award Long List Nominee

Editor’s Note: Based on the author’s childhood experience at Dodger Stadium.


classic saucer
though bright red
hovering still
in mountain air
multiple tiers
antennae tail
does not move
or leave a trail
some that see
still don’t believe
others saw bodies retrieved
I know what I saw
in that spring sky
binoculars, not naked eye
everyone saw what they wanted to
convinced ourselves of what was true

Jean-Paul L. Garnier

Jean-Paul L. Garnier lives and writes in Joshua Tree, CA where he is the owner of Space Cowboy Books, a science fiction bookstore, independent publisher, and producer of Simultaneous Times podcast. In 2020 his first novella Garbage In, Gospel Out was released by Space Cowboy Books and in 2018 Traveling Shoes Press released Echo of Creation, a collection of his science fiction short stories. He has also released several collections of poetry: In Iudicio (Cholla Needles Press 2017), Future Anthropology (currently being translated into Portuguese), Odes to Scientists (audiobook – Space Cowboy Books 2019) and Betelgeuse Dimming (2020). He is a four-time Elgin Nominee and also appeared in the 2020 Dwarf Stars anthology. He is a regular contributor to’s blog, and is the current editor of Star*Line Magazine.