14. Poetry by Dan Brown

Art by Paulo Sayeg | Lea
Up to Us
Leibniz wrote this is the best of all possible worlds
Who could disagree?
Not those who want to populate the world with their girl.
Love makes the world go round
What better world can there be
Than one filled with love.
Einstein said World War IV
Will be fought with sticks and stones.
Because madmen plot destruction with hi-tech weapons they do not understand
What if we took back the world
From the fools in charge?
Remake it in our image,
The image of God;
Infinite love.
Children can be children again
Unencumbered by the oppressive weight
Of the adult world
Adults could focus on raising the future
Rather than trying to commoditize the present
Sound bites and bumper stickers
Inundate a world
Bereft of logic and love
Time and money will run out
Love will endure
When no soul is left
Love remains
We are commanded to love our neighbor as ourself
So we must return to the beginning
Learn to love ourselves
Then we can love our neighbor.
We are commanded to love those who persecute us.
But when we start loving ourselves again, first
There will be no more persecution.
Think on this.
The world cannot be populated with hate.
Even the most unwanted child was created from desire
From love.
In fact, all creation is from the mind
When we choose to choose love
To create a world of love
We find, in the end, it is easy to do.
Man creates what he desires
When he desires a world full of love and compassion
He will find that the world is indeed filled with love and compassion.
Burt Bacharach sang:
“What the world needs now, is love, sweet love”
What the world needs now is to embrace the love
Already here in the world.
Then the future will be a world full of love.