Dreadnought SF, Summer 2023 (issue #1)

Table of Contents [live links | click icon to toggle]

17. Poetry by Jerome Berglund

Art by Paulo Sayeg | Brasil


[a scifaiku sequence]

farmers market
— a melon
with tentacles!

Art by Paulo Sayeg | Orumila

on a corpse . . . even
redemption story

trampled grass
past the ghosts
of lions

many lights
in a fog, and a
hospital gown

shaky cam
assembling the
found footage

the monster after all
updating texts

against harpoons
won’t succumb

in black
moving furniture through the dark
mission control

Art by Paulo Sayeg | Eruanoturno

exotic vegetation
amidst disorder
bright explosions

steps closed
mother hen
leads them through

Jerome Berglund

Jerome Berglund has many speculative short fictions, poetry, and dramas published and forthcoming in Five Fleas, Flying Saucer Poetry Review, Haiku Pond, Hearth and Coffin, Horror Senryu Journal, Lothlorien, Lotus Tree Literary Review, Meat For Tea, Otoroshi, Scifaikuest, Setu Bilingual Journal, Siren’s Call, Starlight SciFaiku Review, Synchronized Chaos, Zen Space.