The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Summer 2021 (issue #1)

Page 17 — Joshua Gage

Aeolis Palus

Aeolis Palus
the rover sings “Happy Birthday”
to itself

mammoth pincers
on the radioactive grub
the rifle’s heaviness

her satin nightgown
the earth shudders
unlike any earthquake

garage sale:
an Eastern Buck Moth settles
on a brain in a jar

terraforming at night
the gentle tug
of the blinking satellite

Joshua Gage

Joshua is an ornery curmudgeon from Cleveland. His newest chapbook, Origami Lilies, is available on Poet’s Haven Press. He is a graduate of the Low Residency MFA Program in Creative Writing at Naropa University. He has a penchant for Pendleton shirts, Ethiopian coffee, and any poem strong enough to yank the breath out of his lungs.

[I have added a link to an interview with Joshua in The Poet magazine.]