32. From the Editor
That’s a Wrap & Artist Bios
I hope that you have enjoyed the debut issue of Dreadnought SF! I have no idea when the next issue will appear, as this webzine is on a remarkably irregular publishing schedule. I have books on my shelf that are on ten-, twenty-, and thirty-year reading cycles. So, if this is any indication, I may need some sort of productivity-enhancing technology to come along for there to be an issue two of this magazine any time soon.
Please visit the Starship Sloane Publishing website from time to time, as our various projects will periodically make their appearances. Do follow us on Twitter if you’re so inclined, our handle is @StarshipSloane, we announce things there often.
Thank you to the contributors and thank you to the readers!
See you next time around! Don’t forget to look up every now and then.
Safe travels, children of the stars.