The Flying Saucer Poetry Review, Fall 2021 (issue #1)

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Pg. 33 — THE SPOOKLIGHT by Joshua St. Claire

alien fireflies
or fairies flashing in flight
shadows made by light

Editor’s Note: I found Joshua’s description of his poetry submissions to be quite poetic in and of itself, he states “These include a rondeau about an abduction experience, a roundelay about the after effects of an abduction, a rondeau redoublé turning on Vallée’s “Passport to Magonia,” a scifaiku sequence narrating the Rendlesham Forest incident, and a single scifaiku about a mysterious light.”

Joshua St. Claire

By day, Joshua is a mild mannered accountant, living with his wife and three boys. By night (and on coffee breaks), he writes poetry. He has work published or forthcoming from The Starlight SciFaiku Review, 100 Days, 100 Scary Stories, Scifaikuest, Failed Haiku, and The Wales Haiku Journal.