The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Summer 2022 (issue #2)

15 | The Synchronous Orbit of Longing: A SciFaiku Rensaku by Joshua Gage

only the moon

his promise
to return safely
solar flare

no messages from Earth
she gently polishes
a rosewood Buddha

Penrose process . . .
how much energy
can my heart muster?

slow country waltz . . .
the glitter off a diamond ring
from 55 Cancri E

Joshua Gage

Joshua Gage is an ornery curmudgeon from Cleveland. His newest chapbook, Origami Lilies, is available on Poet’s Haven Press. He is a graduate of the Low Residency MFA Program in Creative Writing at Naropa University. He has a penchant for Pendleton shirts, Ethiopian coffee, and any poem strong enough to yank the breath out of his lungs.