The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Summer 2022 (issue #2)

23 | The Alien’s Sweat by John J. Dunphy

the alien’s sweat

sperm bank
receptionist greets
the first alien donor

barbells floating
our space station’s gym
set to zero gravity

my DNA test
a distant ancestor
not of this world

moonlight walk
my blind date’s hand
suddenly furry

disgustingly ugly!
my shipwrecked crew and I meet
our first Earthling

John J. Dunphy

John is proud of the fact that he is one of scifaiku’s earliest poets. In other words, he’s both talented and old. Published collections of his scifaiku work include Stellar Possibilities, Dark Nebulae and pagan rites. He runs The Second Reading Book Shop in Alton, Illinois, USA.

Editor’s Note: John’s piece, “colonists’ spacecraft,” which appeared in the debut issue of The Starlight SciFaiku Review was nominated by this publishing house for the SFPA 2022 Dwarf Stars Award and has been selected for inclusion in the Dwarf Stars 2022 anthology by the editors of that publication. John now has a chance to win the award by a popular vote of the SFPA membership.