The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Summer 2022 (issue #2)

22 | Disgruntled Suffragette by Jerome Berglund

disgruntled suffragette
invents tech: critics carry
fetuses to term

make a body,
least have decency
stick around for cleanup

avocado black spot :: transorbital lobotomy

rouse the dozing bugs —
crawl out, perturbed

distant shore —
gather on beach squinting,
signal with mirrors

Jerome Berglund

Jerome graduated from the University of Southern California’s Cinema-Television Production program and spent a picaresque decade in the entertainment industry before returning to the Midwest where he was born and raised. He has exhibited many haiku, senryu and haiga online and in print, most recently in the Asahi Shimbun, Failed Haiku, Bear Creek Haiku, and Lothlorien Poetry Journal. He is furthermore an established, award-winning fine art photographer, whose black and white pictures have been shown in galleries across New York, Minneapolis, and Santa Monica.

Editor’s Note: I am pleased to be publishing one-line haiku, or monoku, for the first time in this literary journal. Such elegant simplicity, dense with meaning: A neutron star in poetic form.