The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Spring 2023 (issue #3)

Table of Contents [live links | click icon to toggle]

21. Poetry by Harris Coverley

UFOMontanology & other poems


Midwest collision:
Adamski-type saucer hits
Chinese spy balloon
no—oh the humanity!
no—oh the greymanity!

R’lyeh Idol

starborn and sunken
terrible antiquity
an evil visage
of unhallowed blasphemies
from a nightmare corpse-city


circular shadow
a dark rotation of light
supermassive glow


through infrared eyes
H2O in lunar soil
site of future lakes

Harris Coverley

A former Rhysling nominee, Harris Coverley has had over two hundred poems published in journals and anthologies around the world, including Star*Line, Spectral RealmsThe Vampiricon: Imaginings & Images of the Vampire (Mind’s Eye Publications), Silver Blade, The Flying Saucer Poetry Review, The Crank, Corvus ReviewAwenView From AtlantisYellow Mama, and many others. He lives in Manchester, England.