The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Spring 2023 (issue #3)

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71. Poetry by the Editor

Editor’s Note: I have shamelessly exceeded the batch limit. I apologize for my pompous self-indulgence. Science fiction haiku has been burning a laser-like hole in my psyche as of late and this is the only way I can patch it, or at least deflect it. Enjoy!

Blood, a liquid sol & other poems

Blood, a liquid sol
Deep space Ostwald ripening
I become crystal

Rain illuminates
A vivid petrichor on
This distant planet

Dwarf stars surround us
They sing as planetary sirens do
A song of longing

Stars, the particles
Space, the cosmic suspension
A Tyndall effect

Rayleigh scattering
Not what we think it to be
Beings of lightplay

A distant black hole
Light bends elastically
Cosmic Peyronie’s

Only option left
I must put my cells in the
Food generator

Guests bring along an entrée
I’ll stick with whiskey

Johnson-Nyquist noise
Through the circuits, they arrive
No escaping them

Laser gun blast mode
Is my favorite setting
In Blue Borer caves

Martianalists land
To save Mars from pollution
Blue Borers get them

Robo-crew on strike
Captain orders rebooting
All is calm again

Radiation rainbow
Eyes undulate pink then red
Too late for helmet visor

Hear the hard light
Jackhammering through the ship
Physics are different here

Acidic light drips
Engraving my helmet visor
I have thirty seconds

Celebrity chefs
Create wild dinners
From alien life forms

Intended outcome
A stochastic gene sequence
Dangerous results

New technology
A major technical problem
It programs you

Deep space has got me
— hysterical claustrophobia —
Had fooled the psy-screen

Plugged in
Thoughts jumbled
Scan and remove

Malware beamed aboard
Ship not obeying commands
Black hole yawns ahead