73. From the Editor
That’s a Wrap, Publishing Schedule, Deep Space Survival Math, More Art by Yours Truly & Cover Artist Bios
Thank you for being here! I hope that you have enjoyed the third issue of The Starlight SciFaiku Review. It has most certainly been a joy to put it all together for you.
Creative endeavors pull relentlessly as tractor beams on my imagination and from every direction, however, I must now further prioritize my efforts for best results.
I have no choice but to change the publishing schedule of the Starship Sloane family of magazines to that of irregular, which better reflects my personality, certainly, but these magazines have followed an irregular publishing schedule from the very beginning anyway and while that will continue to be the case, it will just become more so into the foreseeable future as this publishing house needs to shift its focus in the direction of some book projects and the rebooting of Worlds of If science fiction magazine. The debut issue of Dreadnought SF, an “optimistic future” literary project, is being pushed back for an indeterminate length of time.
As the next issues slowly roll out, they will be smaller, and the objective will be to establish a regular publishing schedule for them. At some point, I may also put together a League of Extraordinary Contributing and Guest Editors to take the reins and move things along. This approach worked wonderfully when Joshua St. Claire led the Poets Thirteen in their renku project (his idea) for the debut issue of The Lotus Tree Literary Review as a contributing editor. I have an insanely talented pool of candidates to discuss this with at some point in time.
Within this mix of projects, it is my goal to eventually get all issues of these magazines into PDF format for free downloads from the site. The webzine versions of each will stay in place, of course.
This is all simply the next step in the evolution and progression of this publishing house in accomplishing its objectives and in achieving long-term sustainability. So, no worries, if, for example, you see Duotrope change Starship Sloane’s listings to inactive because it does not follow prescribed timelines for publishing activity.
It has been a little over two years since the inception of this publishing venture! Time flies when you’re having fun. The inspiring work that we do together in producing these magazines is absolutely an honor for me and the work continues unabated! It will now just diverge ever-so-slightly to also follow another energy pathway in its expression: it’s a leafy new branch growing from the same vibrant tree of inspired imagination, creativity, and vision, nourished by the same root system, the same fertile soil, the same sweet rain, and the same bright sun.
So, please stay tuned!
Safe travels, children of the stars.
All the best,

Psyclovius Man
I have become,
quite redone.
I now am,
the Psyclovius Man.
Deep Space Survival Math
The ship is 93 seconds away!
The creature is 114 seconds away!
The airlock takes 10 seconds to open and 10 seconds to close! An eternity!
Can’t think clearly! Can’t think!
Can I make it?!
How many seconds to spare?!
Front Cover Art | Michael Alan Alien | Artist Bio
Back Cover Art | Nigel Suckling | Artist Bio

Face of Interdimensional Shards

Cosmic Bodybuilder
One of my very favorite professional bodybuilders, six-time Mr. Olympia, Dorian “The Shadow” Yates, ushered in the new era of bodybuilding as the original “mass monster.” The b&w photos of him in a 1993 issue of Flex magazine changed bodybuilding forever and were an inspiration to me as I was training with weights at the time and wanted to go into professional wrestling under the tutelage of family friend Paul DeMarco, a former heavyweight world champion pro-wrestler who was going to be my manager.