The Starlight SciFaiku Review, Spring 2023 (issue #3)

Table of Contents [live links | click icon to toggle]

17. Poetry by Jerome Berglund

biometrics & other poems

lightly used

cloud seeding
they yell up at stranger
to jump

claws scrabbling
across the roof —
never too much garlic

man-made lake hostile architecture

beehive haircut
drop of sherry

the American dream :: gamey

too hot in light
waiting for sun to set
native soil

chemtrail comet
out of season

in the silence
rolling average

during zombie apocalypse
beating the spread

Jerome Berglund

Jerome Berglund has many speculative short fictions, poetry, and dramas published and forthcoming in Five Fleas, Flying Saucer Poetry Review, Haiku Pond, Hearth and Coffin, Horror Senryu Journal, Lothlorien, Lotus Tree Literary Review, Meat For Tea, Otoroshi, Scifaikuest, Setu Bilingual Journal, Siren’s Call, Starlight SciFaiku Review, Synchronized Chaos, Zen Space.